Suite #1 for Electric Guitar: mp3 Download


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SKU: UPC 194660938404 Category:


Here is where you can purchase and download a zip file containing high resolution (320kbps) mp3 audio files of Suite #1 for Electric Guitar. From the time of purchase, you will have 60 days to download your zip file. Please download your zip file and click on it to expand. Take the resulting folder called, “Thomas Millioto” and put the mp3s contained in it into the mp3 player of your choice. For iTunes, the placement of the folder” Thomas Millioto” would be: Your Hard Drive / Users / (User) Home / Music / iTunes / iTunes Media / Music. Once the “Thomas Millioto” folder is placed in your personal Music folder, you can add the mp3s to a playlist.

Album Notes:

Having achieved a doctorate in classical guitar performance emphasizing Baroque and 19th Century practice, Dr. Thomas Millioto turned his attention to the electric guitar as a vehicle to channel the sound of an era which is now a half century old. This piece was composed by Dr. Millioto in the template of a Baroque Suite, and it displays the versatility and expressiveness of the electric guitar. in this solo, unaccompanied work, the electric guitar is allowed to roam in its natural sonic habitat, but it does so with the guidance of a classically trained hand, and with the acumen of a classically trained ear for tone and structure.

Electric Guitar: Thomas Millioto

Recording Engineer: Thomas Millioto

Audio Editing: Thomas Millioto

Mixing Engineer: Thomas Millioto

Mastering: Thomas Millioto

Artwork: Thomas Millioto

Photograph: Goran Veljic

Special thanks to:

Lisa Briganino and Hidden Pond Productions, Inc.

Donald Bohlen

Eddie Kramer

Laura Lynch Peterson

Johnny Montagnese

Rik Napoli

Jeremy Perks


Suite#1 for Electric Guitar
© ℗ 2020 Thomas Millioto © 2020
Mazzocchio Music (ASCAP)
All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.