What styles of guitar do you teach?
I teach classical guitar, lute, electric styles of guitar including rock and blues, folk guitar and song writing and some jazz.
Do you teach beginners?
Yes, I do. Sometimes teaching beginners is even preferable to me because beginners can not have the misconceptions or bad habits that can block a student’s learning curve.
What ages do you teach?
I teach from ages 8 (or seven and a half) up. My oldest student was in his 70’s and most of my students are in their teens, 20’s, 30’s and 40’s.
How long will it be until I can play?
I can definitely help you to play effectively, and I can also teach you quickly. How quickly depends on many things, but it mostly depends on you. These factors include:
1. Your dedication
2. Your attitude
3. Your aptitude (For example, do you have any previous musical training?)
4. Your instrument. You must have an instrument that will not block your learning curve, and is appropriate for the type of music you will be playing on it. The inexpensive steel stringed acoustic type of guitars that many people attempt to begin playing on are not usually a good starting place.
5. The style you wish to play. Though being great in any style can take a lifetime, some styles are simply more demanding than others to reach the point where you are up and running.
What are your rates and policies?
My rates and policies for private lessons are competitive. I’d be happy to discuss them with you. Lessons canceled within 24 hours of a scheduled lesson time will be paid for, however there is no need to pay in advance or to commit to a certain number of lessons. As much advance notice of a cancellation as possible is appreciated. Please note that there is no such thing as too much advance notice for a cancellation. I may, at my discretion, make exceptions to these rules for true emergencies. Institutional Rates and Policies will vary according to the institution.
What is your schedule?
My schedule is constantly changing. I have even had instances where my schedule has changed in the time it takes to exchange emails. To avoid confusion, I will be happy to discuss my current schedule over the phone with you. Simply call me at the number listed in the contact information tab above or email me with your phone number and mention a convenient time for me to call you.
If you have any questions regarding rates and policies, please contact Tom for more information. Weekly lessons are recommended and they are the norm. One lesson approximately every other week may be an option depending on the student’s needs and scheduling.